4 Damage +5% Lvl. @Begone! 3 Damage +15% Some of the very best champions of legendary-rarity in Raid: Shadow Legends include Arbiter, Zavia, Vizier Ovelis, Rae, Martyr, Zavia, Sir Nicholas, Big ‘Un, Bad-El-Kazar, and Prince Kymar. Augmente les PV des alliés de Force lors de toutes  les batailles de 33%. DEF. Health Points: 18,945: Attack: 859: Defense: 1,211: Speed: 97: Critical Rate: 15%: Critical Damage: 50%: Debuff Resistance: 45: Debuff Accuracy: 0: Rearguard Sergeant's Basic Info. Fraction: Ogryn Tribes: Element : Force: Type: Defence: Rarity: Epic: Skullcrusher aura Resist 45 Place:Crypts Skullcrusher skills Smash. He has tried to rank them in the order of impact and overall usefulness to having them in your account. 0. Formula: 3.9*DEF. 92. Son lourd fléau a écrasé de nombreux ennemis, détruisant armures et armes d’un seul coup. Faction. Ce champion appartient à l'affinité Force (Force) et son rôle est Défense (Defense). If handed a new account, this is the order he would choose the respective rarities. Shard Pulls: 81 Ancient Shards x2 Event: 1 Legendary: Septimus. This Raid: Shadow Legends tier list was created and is maintained by one of the game’s best YouTubers, ChoseN. J’aurai cru que c’était plus %def et %pv, Elle tape sur la def, du coup tu peux faire mal avec normalement , Votre adresse électronique ne sera pas publiée. Raid: Shadow Legends is a freemium character-based strategy RPG mobile game. Note: If you Don't see the Artifact or Masteries Suggestion of your Champion then please comment below we will update as soon as possible. 3 thoughts on “ Sergeant | SO-UAF | Raid Shadow Legends Skill Mastery Equip Guide ” Marko April 16, 2020 at 5:25 PM. 6* Ascended Stats. Rearguard Sergeant. Heals this Champion by 25% of the damage inflicted. Has a 40% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns. Hello, pourquoi priorisé en 2 le taux crit et pas les hp ? Champions. Her heavy flail had smashed many a foe, sundering armour and weapons alike in a single fell sweep. En effet, le sergent se tient souvent au premier rang de sa bande de champions et intercepte toutes les attaques ennemies qu’elle peut pendant que ses alliés se rétablissent. Sergeant. Obtain from. RAID: shadow legends guides Unofficial fan site. Attaque tous les ennemis. Fraction: Orcs : Element: Magic: Type: Defence: Rarity: Epic: Dhukk the Pierced aura Defence 31 % Place:Crypts Dhukk the Pierced skills Mad Chopper. Rearguard Sergeant deals quite a respectable amount of damage, quite close to Rhazin Scarhide too even though she is like a Support Champion. RAID: shadow legends guides Unofficial fan site. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Lvl. C. RATE. Home RAID: Shadow Legends Champions Rearguard Sergeant Guide: Skills, Best Gears & Masteries - Advertisement - All of the Rearguard Sergeant’s information, guide, gears, and masteries building tips. I have added your video in my site :-) Check out my mastery guide on Rearguard Sergeant … Added “Rejuvenation” for the missing mastery. If gala heals from her dps, and rearguard current hp is less than gala, the boss will target rearguard sergeant instead. Champions. (Sinon n'hésitez pas à partager le site ;)), Votre adresse électronique ne sera pas publiée. Great video guide on Rearguard Sergeant! Rearguard Sergeant | DW-EDF | Raid Shadow Legends Skill Mastery Equip Guide. The mastery guide for Arena, Campaign, Faction Wars is incomplete. Homepage. Recherche et recrutement de clan sur Clicker heroes, Guide sur Arrière-garde (Rearguard Sergeant) artefact et maîtrise, Wiki Complet sur Raid Shadow Legends (accueil), Défense%, Taux critique, Dommages critiques, PV%, Vitesse, Précision. Indeed, the Sergeant will often stand at the forefront of her band of Champions and intercept any enemy attacks that she can while her allies recover. ATK. I’ve been looking for champs to help me increase my damage. Rearguard Sergeant mastery and equipment guide. Fighting as part of the rearguard is not as easy … Les champs obligatoires sont marqués. New: Seneschal, Maeve, Alika, Infernal Baroness, Nazana. Homepage. Your email address will not be published. Le sergent de l’arrière-garde est au service de sa Jarl depuis de nombreuses années et ne l’a pas laissé tomber une seule fois. RESIST . Ayumilove Post author March 22, 2020 at 10:41 PM. Champions. Indeed, theirs is a crucial role and theirs is the sacrifice, should the main force need to withdraw. Homepage. The Rearguard Sergeant has been in her Jarl’s service for many years and has not failed him once. Dhukk the Pierced. Comment écrire en couleur dans le tchat de twitch ? Ability 1: Hack[ATK] Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. 3 Damage +5% Lvl. 804. Sergeant. Nom anglais de Arrière Garde : Rearguard Sergeant Possède 40% de chances de placer un débuff de Réduction de Défense de 60% pendant 2 tours. (pour information, les pages peuvent être mis à jours, mettez les en favoris sur votre navigateur pour revenir rapidement si vous commencez), NOM: Arrière-garde (Rearguard Sergeant) FACTION: Nains RARETÉ: Épique RÔLE: Défense AFFINITÉ: Force, Point de vie (PV): 18 495 Attaque (ATQ): 859 Défense (DÉF): 1 211 Vitesse (VIT): 97 Taux de Critique (Taux C.): 15% Dégâts de Critique (DÉG C.): 50% Résistance au Débuff (RÉSIST): 75 Précision des Débuffs (PRÉ): 0, ★★★★✰ Campagne ★★★✰✰ Défense d’arène ★★★✰✰ Attaque d’arène ★★★★★ Boss de Clan, ★★★★★ Labyrinthe du Minotaure ★★★★✰ Repaire de l’araignée ★★✰✰✰ Château du chevalier de feu ★★★★★ La tanière du dragon ★★★★★ Pic du Golem de glace, ★★★★✰ Gardien de la force ★★★★★ Gardien du vide ★✰✰✰✰ Gardien de l’esprit ★★★★✰ Gardien magique. Elle est un maître d’œuvre sévère, mais un expert de son métier. Homepage. Accuracy ; Avenging ; Critical Rate ... Rearguard Sergeant RAID: Shadow Legends • Info Skills Equipment Mastery Guide. But for all her bluster and overbearing habits, she embraces her duty and the need to protect others. @aindrill Crusader has c.dmg rate by %7 and 100 less hp and 10 more atk. Découvrez un guide complet sur le champion Arrière Garde du jeu Raid Shadow Legends. 0. C'est un champion Epique qui appartient à la faction Nains (Dwarves). 1 year ago. Les Angels investors sur adventure capitalist ? Renegade | KR-RSV | Raid Shadow Legends Skill Mastery Equip Guide Posted in Raid Shadow Legends. Thus, they are all safe to invest significant resources into once you acquire them. Attacks 1 enemy. You will want to pair her with Warmaiden in your early Clan Boss (Brutal or lower) teams though because she will keep … Home; Cheats. 2 Damage +5% Lvl. Walkthrough; Locations; Tier List; Recipes; Contact; Raid Shadow Legends Tier List – February 2021 Best Champions. Leave a comment on the article if you spot mistakes or would like to share some info not shown here or notify if guide is outdated or missing something! FACTION: Dwarves RARITY: Epic ROLE: Defense AFFINITY: Force USABILITY: Mid-Late Game TOMES: 13 (A1 A2 A3), Health Points (HP): 18,945 Attack (ATK): 859 Defense (DEF): 1,211 Speed (SPD): 97 Critical Rate (C.RATE): 15% Critical Damage (C.DMG): 50% Debuff Resistance (RESIST): 45 Debuff Accuracy (ACC): 0, ★★★★✰ Campaign ★★★✰✰ Arena Defense ★★★✰✰ Arena Offense ★★★★★ Clan Boss ★★★★★ Faction Wars, ★★★★★ Minotaur’s Labyrinth ★★★★✰ Spider’s Den ★★✰✰✰ Fire Knight’s Castle ★★★★★ Dragon’s Lair ★★★★★ Ice Golem’s Peak, ★★★★✰ Void Keep ★★★★★ Force Keep ★★✰✰✰ Spirit Keep ★★★★✰ Magic Keep, ✰✰✰✰✰ Magma Dragon ✰✰✰✰✰ Nether Spider ✰✰✰✰✰ Frost Spider ✰✰✰✰✰ Scarab King, Crushing Impact [DEF] Attacks 1 enemy. C. DMG. Getting the rearguard sergeants in immortal and about 55k hp is important because when gala gets hit and the dmg taken is mitigated with rearguard sergeant. Guides Champions Hero sets Compare Buffs EN UK RU Vergis. Role. i think crusader is better slightly. Keep up the great work and ty once again. Her heavy flail had smashed many a foe, sundering armour and weapons alike in a single fell sweep. Guides Champions Hero sets Compare Buffs Tools EN UK RU Skullcrusher. 2 Damage +10% Lvl. Attacks. Thank you for understanding. All of these champions will perform well on any late-game team. February 21, 2021. Raid Shadow Legends Normal Floor 90 Nether Spider By: wsoul13. Lvl. Updated on February 18, 2021 by Ayumilove. How to progress through the Clan Boss. Skullcrusher. To get a more in-depth view of … Place, pendant 2 tours, un buff de Protection d’allié de 50% et un buff de sois continus de 15% sur tous les alliés, sauf ce champion. if you want to contribute some guide please visit this page. But you can also contribute to the existence of this knowledge base by simply disabling AdBlock in your browser and adding the site to the whitelist. Raid: Shadow Legends Tier List Phixion 2021-02-04T18:13:37+00:00 RAID: Shadow Legends Tier List Our tier list is designed to help you get an overall understanding of where champions can be used in the game. It is developed and published by Plarium Games. We will update all champion as soon as possible. RAID: shadow legends guides Unofficial fan site. In this epic RPG, you have to build a team of champions to face off against monsters and other champions in a battle for victory. * Sepulcher Sentinel 60 (Warmaster), Rearguard Sergeant 60 (Warmaster), Apothecary 60 (Giant Slayer) ... Once you finish getting Masteries on your first 5 Champs you will officially be out of the Early Game. SPD. Rearguard is a strong all-rounder able to support your team through any Dungeon. Level 2: Cooldown -1 Level 3: Cooldown -1, Aura Increases Force Ally HP in all Battles by 33%, 1 Lifesteal Set, 1 Speed Set 1 Lifesteal Set, 1 Accuracy Set, DEF%, HP%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC Weapon (ATK) Helmet (HP) Shield (DEF) Gauntlets (C.RATE) Chestplate (DEF%) Boots (SPD) Ring (DEF) Amulet (C.DMG) Banner (ACC). : I have updated the “Arena, Campaign, Faction Wars” mastery to include the missing mastery. Fighting as part of the rearguard is not as easy as some may imagine. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 80% and below). Vergis. The Clan Boss is one of the most difficult aspects of the game so far. Rearguard Sergeant is amazing and will perform very well for you not only as a Decrease Attack but more on being a Carry. While it may not always be possible to keep the best warriors behind, the Dwarves know that officers, at least, ought to be both experienced and skilled. Force. She is a stern taskmaster, but an expert of her craft. Welcome to ayumilove.net! Thanks for highlighting the error! FACTION: Knight Revenant RARITY: Rare ROLE: Support AFFINITY: Void USABILITY: Situational TOMES: 10 (A3) Total Stats (6★) Health Points (HP): 18,495 Attack (ATK): 1,046 Defense … Vergis. Your Mino 15 Team will most likely be used in the Potion Keeps as well to get as far as you can enough to get your essential Ascension done to unlock … Soigne ce Champion à hauteur de 25% des dégâts infligés. Offre 50% de chances de placer un débuff de Réduction d’attaque de 50% pendant 2 tours. Une telle loyauté est difficile à obtenir et devrait être appréciée par tout guerrier. I was fortunate enough to pull this wonderful Champion. Has a 20% chance of removing 1 random buff from the target. @Swasster: Rearguard Sergeant is useable for Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss if you manual her (not using Auto), since she does not use her A3 skill upon skill cooldown but when ally HP drops below a certain threshold (e.g. 1 … The knowledge base for the game Raid: Shadow Legends is in the process of filling. I just wanted to say thank you for taking time out to keep up on all of these toons(champs) and posting new things all the time. Roblox; Console Commands; Codes; Guides. 12 555. Comment gagner des points de chaîne sur Twitch ? I ran my lv 50 rearguard in hp% chest and gloves, I can see this stage being cleared with 2 50 rearguard sergeants … Masteries; Artifacts. 9 Epics: Dupes: Rearguard Sergeant, Sandlashed Survivor, Jizoh, Bushi. Edit. They are my consistent high scorers. Is RS viable for UCB? Guides Champions Hero sets Compare Buffs Tools EN UK RU Rearguard Sergeant. Rearguard Sergeant. there are lots of champion in raid shadow and its taking time to analyze them. I do have RAzin but he isn’t booked up. Guides Champions Hero sets Compare Buffs Tools EN UK RU Dhukk the Pierced. … Formula: 3.7*DEF. Void Shard: Overview. The Rearguard Sergeant has been in her Jarl’s service for many years and has not failed him once. The Sacred Order. Rearguard Sergeant is a Force affinity epic from the Dwarves faction. Attacks 1 enemy. Level 2: Damage +5% Level 3: Damage +5% Level 4: Damage +10% Level 5: Damage +10% Level 6: Buff/Debuff Chance +10% Level 7: Buff/Debuff Chance +15% Level 8: Cooldown -1 Damage Multiplier: 3.6 DEF, Fend Them Off [DEF] (Cooldown: 5 turns) Places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff and a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on all allies except this Champion for 2 turns. Les champs obligatoires sont marqués *, Merci à tous ceux qui feront un petit geste ! (si le personnage que vous cherchez n’est pas dedans dite le nous sur le discord ou en commentaire) Ps : ceux qui ont besoin d’aide sur leur champion, je stream tous les dimanches et je me connecte sur votre compte pour vous conseillez : Champions. There are multiple strategies: either go for an Unkillable team, where you have a good damage dealer, a champion able to apply the buffs, and other champions able to reduce the skill cooldowns of your team; either go for a Counterattack team; Make sure to fulfill the … Rearguard Sergeant (Class S Decrease Attack) - AOE 75% chance 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns 3 turn Cooldown. @aindrill: Plarium RAID Shadow Legends do this to dilute the champion pool, probably to makes it … GUIDE DE MAÎTRISE Arrière-garde (Rearguard Sergeant) ARÈNE, CAMPAGNE, GUERRES DE FACTIONS : BOSS DE CLAN, DONJONS : HISTOIRE DE Arrière-garde (Rearguard Sergeant) Se battre en tant que membre de l’arrière-garde n’est pas aussi facile que certains peuvent l’imaginer. Raid Shadow Legends Tier List - Best Champions ranked from Tier SS (The best of the best and most OP) to Tier D (the worst of the game) Mejoress Videogames, Guides, Cheats and Codes. The game features a massive roster of over 400 ‘Champions’ from 13 factions that you can choose from. Bien qu’il ne soit pas toujours possible de garder les meilleurs guerriers derrière, les Nains savent que les officiers, au moins, doivent être à la fois expérimentés et compétents. Mais malgré ses fanfaronnades et ses habitudes dominatrices, elle assume son devoir et la nécessité de protéger les autres. I’ve been using your info for builds on my toons since I started and you’ve been a great reliable source. Such loyalty is hard to come by and ought to be valued by any warrior. She starts to find her true calling in Clan Boss as a team protector and back up decrease attack champion and then excel as the faction MVP in Faction Wars. Fraction: High Elves: Element: Spirit: Type: Defence: Rarity: Epic : Vergis aura Defence 33 % Place:Dungeons Vergis skills Pierce. HP. ACC. In the second row, only two masteries are selected, whereas there should be three. Game Helper - the art of winning video games. Ability 1: Bone Sword[DEF] Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. History Talk (0) Comments Share. Skullcrusher. Has a 40% chance of placing a 30% [Reflect Damage] buff on a … 10x Event 3 Ancient 2 Void: 1 Epic: Dupe: Umbral Enchantress Required fields are marked *. En effet, leur rôle est crucial et le leur est le sacrifice, au cas où la force principale devrait se retirer. Level 2: Damage +5% Level 3: Damage +5% Level 4: Damage +5% Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10% Damage Multiplier: 4 DEF, Flail Master [DEF] (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks all enemies. I am the author of the F2P/Low Spender Team Building Guide (No Legendaries) and the Seminal F2P Update Series detailing how I got Arbiter without Legendaries, Coldheart, Team Counterattack, AoE HP Burn, Massive Shields, Unkillable… Message me or ask questions! We are preparing a lot of interesting guides and other useful information for publication. Attacks 1 … Raid Shadow Legends Fellhound Masteries Guide. 1 112. I currently use Apo, FB, Tyrel, longhorn and Juliana. Je la vois plus comme une mule à boost / debuff et comme protecteur, donc pourquoi du taux crit ? Has a 50% chance of placing a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns. Se souvenir de moi Vous avez perdu votre mot de passe ? Fraction: Dwarves: Element: Force : Type: Defence: Rarity: Epic: Rearguard Sergeant aura HP 33 % Place:All battles Element:Force Rearguard Sergeant skills Crushing Impact. Full information about Rock Breaker champion, stats, skills, formulas and user reviews | raid.guide RAID: shadow legends guides Unofficial fan site Guides … Stick with it all the way to the end and I will give my overall thoughts on Raid Shadow Legends. Dhukk the Pierced. Comment changer la couleur de son pseudo sur Twitch ? Please consider whitelisting ads here to support this website. Raid Shadow Legends Rearguard Sergeant Champion Guide by ASH, Raid Shadow Legends Rearguard Sergeant Champion Guide by LokiMagics, Raid Shadow Legends Rearguard Sergeant Champion Guide by Cold Brew Gaming, Your email address will not be published. RAID: shadow legends guides Unofficial fan site. Places a 50% [Heal Reduction] … 50%. 30. … However, I build most of my Clan Boss champions (Rearguard Sergeant included) with 100% Critical Rate and at least 100% Critical Damage to deal high amount of damage within the 50 Turns. 5 Damage +5% Ability 2: Rally - CD 3 … Home RAID: Shadow Legends Champions Athel Guide: Skills, Best Gears & Masteries - Advertisement - All of the Athel’s information, guide, gears, and masteries building tips. She is a strong addition to the overall rooster. Formula: 1.9*DEF. 15%. Raid: Shadow Legends tier list, secrets and tips. She is a stern taskmaster, but an expert of her craft. Set d’équipement / artefact pour l’arène, la campagne, les guerres de factions : Set d’équipement / artefact pour le Boss de clan, les donjons : Se battre en tant que membre de l’arrière-garde n’est pas aussi facile que certains peuvent l’imaginer. Affinity. Son nom anglais est Rearguard Sergeant.