It is however possible to specify a distinct orientation for an individual page. Since this is a large matrix, you may wish to use the data viewer to examine it. Available colors include “primary”, “info”, “success”, “warning”, and “danger” (the default is “primary”). For example: In addition, you can custom links to the navigation bar using the navbar option. Add sidebar attribute to the first column of the dashboard. Tabular data (with optional sorting, filtering, and paging). Each level 2 header ( ## ) begins a new column. Here’s the definition of a two column dashboard with one chart on the left and two on the right: You can also choose to orient dashboards row-wise rather than column-wise, by specifying the orientation: rows option. DataTables always use pagination (again, so that scrolling the DataTable doesn’t interfere with scrolling the overall display). 3. The third code chunk (“Spam per Day”) makes the background color of the value box dynamic using the color parameter. For example: The logo will be placed at the far left of the dashboard navigation bar. No scaling is performed on the logo image, so it should fit exactly within the dimensions of the navigation bar (48 pixels high for the default “cosmo” theme, other themes may have slightly different navigation bar heights). For example, here is a set of 3 gauges: Here is the code used to generate these gauges: There are a few things to note about this example: The gauge function is used to output a gauge. It has three required arguments: value, min, and max (these can be any numeric values). For example, this dashboard hides it’s second component on mobile devices: It’s also possible to create a mobile-specific version of a given dashboard component that will be used in place of the default version. You include htmlwidgets in an R Markdown document just like you include R plots. Note that the ideal values for these dimensions typically need to be determined by experimentation. If your layout has a single column then charts will occupy the full width of the browser. If a gauge displays a value for which additional detail is available on another dashboard page you can enable navigation to the other page via the href parameter. However, since these charts are PNG images it’s not possible for them to seamlessly fill the bounds of their container. There are also several ways to add interactivity to flexdashboards. Both styles of page linking are demonstrated in this example: The typical means of navigating between pages is the global navigation bar as described above. The implication of this is that chart dimensions established via either knitr figure sizes or data-width and data-height attributes are used to establish relative sizes between charts within the same horizontal or vertical dimension as opposed to absolute sizes (this corresponds to the flex-grow and flex-shrink CSS properties). R graphical output including base, lattice, and grid graphics. For mobile phones (any screen less than or equal to 768 pixels wide) flexdashboard uses special layout behavior. You can find example uses of several of the more popular htmlwidgets in the htmlwidgets showcase and browse all available widgets in the gallery. The nature of the charts within your dashboard (desired emphasis, visualization types, etc.) When creating static (non-Shiny) dashboards containing standard R graphics it’s critical to define knitr fig.width and fig.height values as close as possible to what they’ll actually be on the page. If a valueBox displays a value for which additional detail is available on another dashboard page you can enable navigation to the other page via the href parameter. Develop and share web applications using the most popular package for R web apps. For example: Note that the base CSS styles are defined both the active Bootswatch theme as well as in the flexdashboard specific stylesheets found here: you may prefer a scrolling layout where components occupy their natural height and the browser scrolls when additional vertical space is needed. The R package cartogram provides an interface to several popular cartogram algorithms (Jeworutzki 2018). Flexible options for component layout are available and dashboards with many components can be organized into multiple pages. For a more complete example, see the HTML Widgets Showcase storyboard. For example, the following layout includes 3 charts and requests that the page scroll as necessary to accommodate their natural height: If you have several components you’d like to display within a row or column then rather than attempting to fit them all on screen at the same time you can lay them out as a tabset. If no size attributes are specified then the relative size of each chart will be determined by it’s knitr figure size (this is 6 x 4.8 inches or 576 x 460 pixels by default). one that doesn’t use such a strong color for the navigation bar) then the “bootstrap” theme is a good choice. The flexdashboard layout system also adapts itself intelligently for display on mobile devices. For example, here is the definition of a single column scrolling layout with three charts: To lay out charts using multiple columns you introduce a level 2 markdown header (--------------) for each column. My title for the dashboard is big. If certain components of your dashboard don’t work well on smaller mobile devices you can exclude them by applying the {.no-mobile} class attribute to a dashboard section. 40-50 or less). For example: You can exclude the title entirely by applying the .no-title attribute to a section heading, for example: To create an ideal layout for your dashboard, it’s important to understand how the size of individual charts is determined. It will support all but one of the features discussed in this article: dynamic tabs, which are the basis of the technique used in the example to drive the drill throughs. For example, this code creates a dashboard with two pages, each containing two charts: Note that in this example both pages use the default “columns” orientation. You can include a link to the dashboard’s source code using the source_code option. For example, the following adds an “About” link to the left side of the navigation bar: Navigation bar items must include either a title or icon field (or both). For example, the following dashboard includes a storyboard on the first page (“Analysis”) as well as another page (“Details”) that uses conventional layout: You may wish to add commentary alongside the frames in your storyboard. This enables them to fit into their layout container as closely as possible when the dashboard is laid out. The Layouts page includes a variety of sample layouts which you can use as a starting point for your own dashboards. For custom colors you can also specify any valid CSS color (e.g. ap <- available.packages() See also Names of R's available packages, ?available.packages.. Simple tables always show all of their rows (this is so that scrolling the table doesn’t interfere with scrolling the mobile display). For example: Dashboard layout is done using the browser flexbox engine, which alters its items’ width and/or height to best fill the available space on any display device. Tabular data (with optional sorting, filtering, and paging). Each page you define will have its own top-level navigation tab. R users are doing some of the most innovative and important work in science, education, and industry. You can use flexdashboard to publish groups of related data visualizations as a dashboard. Get offline access to CRAN, PyPI, and Bioconductor, share local packages, restrict package access, find packages across repositories, and more. I am new to R markdown. The Examples page includes several examples of flexdashboard in action (including links to source code if you want to dig into how each example was created). A flexbox layout expands items to fill available free space, or shrinks them to prevent overflow. The htmlwidgets framework provides high-level R bindings for JavaScript data visualization libraries. You can use the valueBox function to display single values along with a title and optional icon. For example, here are three side-by-side sections each displaying a single value: Here is the code which was used to generate these value boxes: The valueBox function is called to emit a value and specify an icon (see Icon Sets below for details on available icons). You can define dashboard sections that don’t include a chart but rather include arbitrary content (text, images, equations, etc.). If you do this, realize that themes define colors for many elements and states, so you should be careful to override all of the required elements. The following section provides tips on how to get the best possible fit for a given graphic. This can be accomplished by adding the {.hidden} attribute to the page you want to hide from the navigation bar. and Shiny to build fully custom interactions in R. By default, level 2 markdown headers (------------------) within dashboards define columns, with individual charts stacked vertically within each column. For example, the following is a simple dashboard definition that includes 3 dygraphs time-series charts: Note that one disadvantage of htmlwidgets is that they embed their data directly in their host web page, so may encounter performance problems for larger datasets. This is done by adding the data-orientation attribute to the header of the page you want to change the orientation of. When a dashboard has Multiple Pages, links to the various pages are also included on the left side of the navigation bar. If you have a large dataset where you want to enable pagination, you should be sure to specify the pageLength option to show more than the default 10 rows of your dataset per page: To include a DataTable within a Shiny flexdashboard you need to be sure to wrap the datatable output in DT::renderDataTable (so that it is updated when inputs it depends on change). You can do this from within RStudio using the New R Markdown dialog: The navigation bar for flexdashboard uses the navbar-inverse class for each of its themes. You can customize the various CSS styles used in flexdashboard by including a stylesheet via the css option. The Shiny page describes how to create dashboards that enable viewers to change underlying parameters and see the results immediately, or that update themselves incrementally as their underlying data changes. The Shiny page describes how to create dashboards that enable viewers to change underlying parameters and see the results immediately, or that update themselves incrementally as their underlying data changes. In addition, some flexdashboard components have special behavior to adapt themselves to smaller mobile screens: By default R graphics are rendered twice, once at their natural fig.width and fig.height, and once at a mobile-optimized size (3.75 x 4.8 inches). For example, this layout defines two rows, the first of which has a single chart and the second of which has two charts: By default flexdashboard charts are laid out to automatically fill the height of the browser. The only exception are sidebars, which are reduced to 220 pixels wide whenever the screen is less than 993 pixels wide. See Icon Sets above for details on the icons available for use within the navigation bar. Available themes include: The “cosmo” theme is used when “default” is specified. Getting Started. By default the width of the commentary sidebar is 300 pixels, you can use data-commentary-width to modify this on a per-frame basis. If you have more than a handful of charts you’d like to include in a dashboard, you may want to consider dividing the dashboard into multiple pages. For example: You can add an icon to the navigation menu for a page using the data-icon attribute. Within dynamic (Shiny) dashboards these charts are automatically sized to fit within their dashboard containers so long as they are wrapped within a call to renderPlot. Load the libraries flexdashboard, shiny, dplyr, and plotly. Content after the separator will appear in a commentary sidebar to the right. The bslib R package provides tools for creating custom Bootstrap themes directly from R, making it much easier to customize the appearance of Shiny apps & R Markdown documents. You can specify a set of custom color sectors using the gaugeSectors function. will often dictate that you’ll want to change the default sizing behavior. Install the flexdashboard package from CRAN as follows:. It’s a daily inspiration and challenge to keep up with the community and all it is accomplishing. rbokeh, an interface to Bokeh, a powerful declarative Bokeh framework for creating web-based plots. This section describes the layout algorithm and the various ways you can tweak its behavior. Highcharter, a rich R interface to the popular Highcharts JavaScript graphics library. For example: By default each page you define is given it’s own top level tab on the navigation bar. 3. This example is a variation of the single-column layout demonstrated above with a data-height attribute applied to the first chart: By default flexdashboard places 8 pixels of padding around the edges of charts. However, if you’ve already provided prominent navigational links to pages you may wish to exclude them from the navigation bar entirely. For example: On desktop and tablet displays, both the Simple Table and Data Table components will fit exactly within the bounds of their flexdashboard container and provide a scroll bar to view records that don’t fit on screen. For example: Gauges display values on a meter within a specified range. tablets) is the same as for larger desktop screens (any screen with width greater than 768 pixels is considered a medium screen). This works well for a small number of vertically stacked charts, however if you have lots of charts you’ll probably want to scroll rather than fit them all onto the page. Components are intelligently re-sized to fill the browser and adapted for display on mobile devices. Gauges for displaying values on a meter within a specified range. These captions should provide a one or two sentence summary of the frame, so will typically be longer than illustrated here. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For scrolling dashboards, the height of charts will be determined by the knitr fig.height option, which defaults to 5 inches (480 pixels).