instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Cache Converter Quickly and easily convert your cache into textures. For example if you wanted a name consisting of word Vampire Queen and Love, it will check VampireQueen, VampireLove, VampireQueenLove, VampireLoveQueen, QueenVampire, QueenLove...etc. 01/14/11: Instant Cache Clearer Alpha 1 is released. You must be logged in the imvu website for this to work. Click on your Avatar Photo in the upper right side then click "Edit Profile". This will work on developers who have lost VIP and disabled developers. How to Change your Avatar Name Using a Name Change Token. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. please sub and turn on those post noti's. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Show all the products of a developers catalog, including hidden items. With this gadget you can view any avatar's Profile Card by inputting their name or ID number. Displays the newest top products with numbered positions in the catalog 'hottest product' ranking. Hidden Location Viewer lets you view the public room location of any IMVU player. One feature I found IMVU was lacking was the ability to check if your new username was available before changing it or check if a username is available before creating a new account. Checks around 10 names a second. Allows the input of any type of text and extracts every word and then checks it against IMVU's name creation system. Outfit Versus puts outfits head-to-head so you can choose which outfit is better. IMVU is bringing back the Premium Names feature! To view your current Name Change Token information, follow the steps below: Viewing Your Name Change Token Information. You don't even have to wait after purchasing to have your name changed. I'm Imvu 3821 I know Imvu 5437 It does not have the history of a player before 29th January 2021. IMVU takes copyright infringment seriously. Instantly see any hidden products in the "view products in this scene" feature of IMVU. IMVU's Official Website. If any of the words are available it will display to the right. Check out how to use it. If you find that you need further help regarding any issue you encounter within IMVU, our Customer Care & Education would be happy to help. The Name Checker will convert all words beginning with the letter I and attempt to check if it is available starting with the letter L. Provur is still in development and we are working on releasing new and improved versions of tools we had on IMVUPro. STEP 3: Under Account Tools, click Change Avatar Name. See more ideas about word definitions, unusual words, cool words. This is a new version of Hidden Location Viewer. Make sure they are seperated by a space or by a return. IMVU can reclaim any user names that meet the following characteristics: – No login in 12 months – Has not purchased their name (Guest_ account) – Has not made any purchases through the IMVU store. Active Room Scanner Need help? ... please check in the other. Surprise Channel!!! Report a bug? It also links up to database and indicates which products have been used in one of their outfits. Just input the avatar ID number on the box and hit Go! For more on the IMVU Creator program, which lets you create items for sale in the IMVU catalog, please click here. 05/31/11: Name Checker goes live. 10/06/10: Silent Room Observer Alpha 2 updated. This will try all combinations possible and check each. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. See information about the IMVU avatar such as registered date, last login and additional features such as true album count, and viewing additional rooms. ! tuned for next video!! For more on the IMVU Creator program, which lets you create items for sale in the IMVU catalog, please click here. IMVU Name Checker Este es un sencillo programa que he creado para permitir a todos a probar un solo nombre o toneladas de nombres contra la base de datos los nombres registrados de IMVU.l comprobarar cada nombre y le dirá si está disponible para su uso. This will show you information about the IMVU avatar such as registered date, last login with additional features such as true album count, and viewing additional and last seen rooms via HRV. 1) Avatar ID number: To learn more about our policy, including takedown procedures, please click here. If a name is available it will output said name. User must own their name ( Name Registered). See more ideas about room pictures, chat room, names. Jan 12, 2014 - Explore Mai's board "Imvu (possible)Chat Room Pictures&Names" on Pinterest. Explore your creativity and Fashion sence on IMVU. This application simply checks to see if the profile exists at and if the avatar exists, it shows you a red error message … Symbol Creator allows creating unicode symbols and text for use in IMVU chat, group thread titles, and on avatar cards. please sub and turn on those post noti's. This will show you a person's Match profile including their brief summary and additional photos. 07/16/10: Silent Room Observer Alpha 1 is added for public use. If you are a creator use this to know how your new products stands in positioning. You don't have to have a Registered Name or a Name Change Token to buy from this list. The display Name does not change your IMVU Login Name and does not have effect inside the downloadable 3D Chat Client. You have successfully changed your avatar name. Our easy-to-use outfit, location and avatar tools will help you look and be awesome, to make your IMVU life more fun! You should now log out and log on again to ensure your account will be updated properly with this change. Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. You can use this information to modify existing heads to be the exact size you prefer. Name Checker Allows the input of any type of text and extracts every word and then checks it against IMVU's name creation system. Please click 'Continue' below to … KnowEm also offers a Premium Service which will create profiles for you on up to 300 popular social media sites. Checks around 10 names a second. Scan and display a user's currently active rooms. Derivation Tree is a service that will show you the hierarchy of parents of a product ID, similar to IMVU's derivation tree but it also shows hidden, DMCA, and disabled products as well. Great for finding common words and names. Provur is constantly developing new tools for the IMVU community! This mode can be very slow if you use more than 4 words. Name Checker Quicky check lists of names against IMVU's name database to see if it's taken. Go to your Account page. Change your display name. Got a Name Change Token? Active rooms are public and private rooms in which the user is currently present. View the history of rooms visited by a user, and get all the outfits from any room without being in the room, View a user's history of names and when the names were last seen or search for users who have had a given name, View who is in a public or private chat and with whom. To change your "Display Name", go to IMVU Next. You can copy and paste the text from a whole website using this method. It can even work for disabled accounts as long as you have the ID. IMVU Name Change History is an application that collects imvu user names intelligently and then displays them through this application. 1. Fill in the form. To learn more about our policy, including takedown procedures, please click here. Derive Chain Viewer View hidden products in the derive chain. Name is disabled, but in some rare cases can still be registered with an IMVU help ticket; but most likely not. 02/05/11: Hidden Product Viewer Alpha 1 is released. IMVU IsBuddy v1 Become an IMVU detective/stalker. Please use the Legacy Hidden Location Viewer for history before this date. STEP 4: On the Change Avatar Name … The Display name is what others see in the IMVU Next Room Chat. This is especially good if you know you want a certain word in your name. The lower the price, the more money you make and it's also good to just have a second option. I have an idea of having a money option for premium names but the money option would be lower than $119.99 (the price of buying 150k credits). It will also generate a "tryit" link so you can put on the full avatar to buy it all at once or view it as a complete model. To check the availability of your username on over 500 social networks check out our new, updated site at: Head Size will show you the X,Y,Z scale of a head product. Get all-GA, unique, and enviable names, even the ultra-rare 2 and 3 character ones! Enter the Avatar Name in the box below. This mode lets you attempt different prefix and suffixes. Enter a list of potential names. This is good for looking up dictionary definitions and trying all the words or if you just want to type a few. IMVU is a 3D Avatar Social App that allows users to explore thousands of Virtual Worlds or Metaverse, create 3D Avatars, enjoy 3D Chats, meet people from all over the world in virtual settings, and spread the power of friendship. It can even work for disabled accounts as long as you have the ID Aug 16, 2017 - Explore Cutie Pie's board "imvu name ideas" on Pinterest. All you have to do is to file a Case by following the instructions below! instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. User Rating Newest Products Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Sort by: 1 - 25 of 27 products found With this gadget you will be able to quickly find the avatar name that corresponds with that ID. IMVUPro is back with a new look and name! You must be logged in the imvu … Name is available to be registered on IMVU. In the Account Tools section in the right hand side, click Change Avatar Name. IMVU Chat Recoverer Recover chat lines from your logs. Even if they have hidden their room locations. Social and Domain Name Availability Search For Brand Professionals Check for your brand, trademark, product or user name on 160 Social Networks. Products Derived From "[X]Checker vans ~M " Best Match Avg. STEP 2: Click Account. If your account has one or more name change tokens, you will get a form asking you to enter your password and the new desired avatar name. Username Checker. If a user name does not appear in this application it can be added by yourself just by searching for the user name in this application and thus help the application track your next name changes.. For example HEmp in the beginning but want to attempt to find matches for HEmpVampire HEmpWerewolf HEmpZombie ...etc. Name Checker will take a massive input and seperate each word and check IMVU for name availablity for each word. The reason is because a lowercase L on IMVU looks like a lowercase I, so many users still find them registerable. If there is nothing in the parathesis to the name of it, then this name is available to be registered with a new account or to be switched to with a simple namechange token. Simply go to the Premium Names section under the … IMVU retains the ability to reclaim any unused names and add them to the premium name sale . STEP 1: Go to, and then login to your account.If you are having problems logging in, click here.. i found a new imvu job???? If a name is available it will output said name. IMVU Tools IMVU Mobile: IMVUGuest: IMVULite: T3DE: Mass Product Ripper: Watchbot : Avatar Link Generator: IMVU Product Protector: IMVU Trigger List Maker: Group Member Sorter: IMVU Hidden Product Finder: IMVU Name Checker i found a new imvu job???? IMVU takes copyright infringment seriously. With this gadget you can view any avatar's Profile Card by inputting their name or ID number. IMVUPro has rebranded and has been given a new look! Including features such as an Hidden Outfit Viewer, Avatar Card Viewer, Hidden Location Viewer, Badger Viewer and many tools. IMVU is a 3D Avatar Social App that allows users to explore thousands of Virtual Worlds or Metaverse, create 3D Avatars, enjoy 3D Chats, meet people from all over the world in virtual settings, and spread the power of friendship. Name is a inactive guest and can be registered through an IMVU help ticket under General -> Name Request. 08/20/10: Hour Tracker private alpha testing starts. See the best of new products without the clutter of old products.