Others recommend BC-108s and BC-109s because they appeared in early silicon Fuzz Faces. Schematics and Printed circuit board layouts for rare pedals like the Tycobrahe Octavia, Clyde McCoy wah and lots of vintage fuzz pedals!. It is inspired by EJ’s prized personal Fuzz Faces and is built to his incredibly strict specifications, featuring hand-selected BC183 silicon transistors (for higher gain), custom repro ’68-’69 knobs, and a vintage-style hammertone finish. DUNLOP JH-F1 JIMI HENDRIX GOOD SOUNDING SILICON FUZZ FACE SCHEMATIC!! This PCB is designed for all versions of our Fuzz Face, so you may notice some free spots on the PCB when you have added all your components into place. The quintessential fuzz. Also, there’s no annoying decay noise! Ready-to-Solder PCBs or Complete Stompbox Kits are available for many of the projects. The result: a beautifully dynamic, expressive, and powerful … For me, the winners are 1T308B in Q1 for humbucker equipped guitars (used my … If ever there was an essential addition to a rig then the Fuzz Face surely is it. Its uncanny ability to add harmonic richness and “hair” … The Fuxx Face was my original attempt to produce a fuzzface clone with silicon transistors that had a solid but more flexible tone, and it has served well in that capacity. The silicon transistors have much higher gain. For this build I'll be using the same schematic and possibly PCB layout I used for the silicon Fuzz Face. It's not directly in the Fuzz Face category but overlaps well with Silicon-type Fuzz Face sounds and then adds further range to gain and tonal profile. Another Germanium Fuzz Faze -style pedal which sounds slightly darker than some of the Germaniums here, but has great tone-shaping ability via its 4 dials - … This Fuzz Face Distortion is constructed to vintage specs, featuring the original Germanium PNP transistor design for a rich, creamy fuzz sound. I ordered a PCB from musikding.de. You will need to research the 'pin out' of your transistors before you solder them into place. Fuzz Face Silicon [FREE DOWNLOAD] 22 October 2015 22 October 2015 / czarokrates First Eagle converted effect’s schematic I want to present you is free download Fuzz Face negative grounded with TO-18 transistors type (NPN) e.g. Silicon transistors provided for a more stable operation, but have a different, … As the board takes that many it is not as simple as dropping them … (2014-08-20) 1969 Dallas-Arbiter Si Fuzz Face (BC108C) (Esquire) by devnulljp (2015-06-22) 70's Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face Sound Demo Vol.1 / Jimi Hendrix's Tone by fuzzfaceexp by fuzzfaceexp (2015-06-22) 70's Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face Sound Demo Vol.2 / Jimi Hendrix's Tone by fuzzfaceexp by fuzzfaceexp The capacitor C4 isn’t around the schematic and it was incorporated to supply extra filtering if the exterior power can be used. Congratulations, that’s the end of the instructions for the Arbiter Fuzz Face Clone circuit! Posted in Guitar Effects … When the Fuzz control was a maximum, quite a bit of hiss and oscillation was introduced. It is a DIY standard after all. The Fuzz Face and its many clones are known to be … Share this: Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Reddit; Tumblr; Pinterest; Related . Fulltone '69 MKII [Germanium] - £175. Lets see that in details. I'll also wire it as per the silicon, as these germanium transistors Jon sent me are NPN, not PNP as most germanium transistors are that are used in fuzz pedals. Because it has happened with 2 different builds I'm thinking maybe it's an offboard … Warranty Information. You should probably go with a battery unless the pedal has circuitry which modifies the input power. Without entering the mathematics that describes precisely why, … The Fuzz Face series: 2-Alchemy Fuzz The process that lead to my first (semi-)successful silicon Fuzz Face was a long, difficult and at times frustrating one, but working through several ideas about fuzzes and electronics in general and talking about this with my colleagues ( Thei's blogspot ) gave me a huge boost and a structural idea about why certain components work … Not that the internet needs another Fuzz Face layout, but I'm adding it for the completeness of this collection. The NKT275 was New Market's version of the AC128. Highly recommended. Arbiter Fuzz Face Clone Biasing Guide. Here is the schematic of the Tonebender: And as usual, the schematic divided in functional parts: So, the first stage amplifies the signal, which then … There is no equivalent pedal on the market and there never has been. FUZZ 1KB / 2KB VOL 470-500KA Oh my. This time we're adding even more modifications so that it has all the warmth of a Germanium Fuzz Face-style circuit, but you don't have to worry about tracking down hard-to-find Germanium transistors that have the right gains and leakages and paying through the nose for … . Germanium transistors have a slightly darker, warmer, and woolier sound. Remember to adjust the trimpot to get the sound you want from your new pedal and have fun! Update (15.10.2011): The silicon variant is now verified, thanks to Hookey. Arbiter Electronics Ltd. first issued the Fuzz Face in 1966. Any value from 22uF to 470uF is okay. Its a universal CORRECTED Dunlop_JH-F1.gif. … Silicon transistors were used in later editions of the pedal. EJ worked closely with Fuzz Face guru Jeorge Tripps to create his signature pedal. The various components layout and pcb have finally been added. Using MP39B will yield a warmer tone with less fuzz. It was based on the Tone Bender circuit but had its own sound completely. The Fuzz Face. Skip to the bottom if you want to see a … Dallas Arbiter used both of these types in their Fuzz Face pedals. I've added a anti-popping pull down resistor, a power filter cap, and polarity protection diode. You will need a multi-meter that reads DC voltage to accomplish this, which can be found very inexpensively … As for every pedal you can built it on a vero. Reason: removed wrong layout (so nobody accidentally builds this) Top. The Fuzz Face, first issued in 1966 by Arbiter Electronics Ltd, is probably the most famous fuzz used by many guitarists like Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour, Jack White from The White Stripes, Dan Auerbach from The Black Keys and many more. History. Check out the sound sample below to hear this. The lowest I can get is 6.7V and that's with a 100K pot!!! (When connecting the Arbiter Fuzz Face Clone circuit to your multimeter as shown in the photos below your meter will read -4.5v) The 20K trim pot is used to dial in this value. At the end of the 60's, Dallas Arbiter began using BC108 transistors instead. close. Axis Face Silicon Revision 3 -- 1/25/2005 Welcome to Revision 3 of the Axis Face Silicon circuit! Saved from fuzzcentral.ssguitar.com. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. This pedal can only be powered by one 9-volt battery (not included). Boutique or mass produced – that one’s up to you and what you like best. The earliest units used germanium transistors. Also, in a subsequent build of a Silicon Fuzz Face, I tried high-gain 2N5088 transistors rather than searching for the low gain 2N2222 I had used earlier. Since this is a positive-ground circuit, it requires PNP-style transistors. Silicon fuzz pedals are usually cheaper and easy to mass produce in today’s market because most use modern low cost transistors. It was only in 1993 that Dunlop Manufacturing took over the production, making a variety of Fuzz Faces to this day. Last edited by Seiche on 10 Jun 2012, 14:25, edited 1 time in total. Build “Another Fuzz Face” and provide another seem for your clone tone. Here are layouts for both germanium and silicon versions of the Fuzz Face, both based on schematics from generalguitargadgets. In the 6 or 7 years since I published that design I've come up with a variation that is closer to the original fuzz but has smooth distortion charactersistics. The BC108, for instance, which i've seen specified by many elderly schematics for that plastic Fuzz Face, may have an increase of between 80 to in excess of 200 based on what factory managed to get so when. Schematic BOM Classic version - Hendrix/Mayer changes shown in blue) R1 100K R2 33K R3 470R / 1K R4 preset 47K C1 2.2u C2 22u C3 0.01u Q1,2 So Many Options!!! In a way, it combines Joe Bonamassa with Jimi Hendrix and a bit of Eric Johnson Fuzz Face. Fuzz Face DIY kit "Good fuzz kit, ALPHA Pots, good quality jacks. If everything is wired/connected properly, you should have a fully functional fuzz pedal. Schematic NPN SILICON R1 100K R2 33K R3 470R (1K) R4 Jumper R5 Jumper C3 10n C4 47-470p* C5 47-470p* C6 22u electrolytic C7 2u2 electrolytic Q2 BIAS 47K Trimmer Q1-2 BC108** FUZZ 1KB (2KB) VOL 500KA BOM (Hendrix/Mayer changes shown in blue) *C4 and C5 tame some high-end and reduce the chance of oscillation. The issue is similar with the other NPN plastic devices which are generally substituted with it. In stompbox lore, the Fuzz Face Distortion sits among the icons. The main difference is that contrary to the Fuzz Face, the first stage is a 2 transistors amplification stage, and it amplifies the signal enough so you do not need a feedback loop to make it bigger. 1 file(s) 8.13 KB. The Long Story. One of the largest sites for do-it-yourself guitar effects builders. Download Dallas Arbiter fuzz face schematic in PDF file: Fuzz Faxe Dallas Arbiter Circuit. The silicons are fuzzier than the germaniums, and brighter. Contact us if you have any questions. Here is our Fuzz Face board. PNP vs. NPN. Later units bear the "Dallas Arbiter", "Dallas Music Industries Ltd.", "CBS/Arbiter Ltd." or "Dunlop Manufacturing Inc." name.. I have built 2 different NPN silicon fuzz faces from different vero layouts and on both I am unable to bias the Collector of Q2. Fuzz Central -- Arbiter Fuzz Face. I've played a lot of great boutique Fuzz Faces (Analogman, Monsterpiece, Original Dunlop EJ, Bonamassa, Hendrix, and Standard models) and I have this one, if that says anything. BC108, BC109, 2N2222A. Depending on the pin outs of the … A lot less saturated, it could be described as softer, warmer and rounder. The 2 mini-caps could have been larger ones, there's enaugh room for better ones. And don’t forget keep up with the News and to follow us on FaceBook. i'm really interested to hear how this will sound once finished. The Vox Tone Bender (not to be confused with the Colour Sound Tone Bender) was a copy with only minimal changes to the the component values, and adapted to NPN silicon transistors. The fuzz was a little weak with classic combo AC 128 and also with 2N404 even combo, maybe my choice should have been for hotter trans! This pedal is a combination of the Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face and the Colorsound MKII Tonebender. Its all covered in the instructions. The original Fuzz Face used NKT275 transistors made by a British company called New Market. The Fuzz Face also attracted a number of clones even in the Golden Age. For the Fuzz Face circuit to be optimally biased, the collector of Q2 needs to be at 4.5 volts. The fuzz sounds strange and super gated and nothing like any clips of a fuzz face I've ever heard. Full Schematic PDF (including footswitch, jacks, etc) ... After this early germanium years, the production switched to the modern, temperature independent, and more stable silicon transistors like the BC108C, BC109C, and BC209C. Even though positive … Note silicon transistors will clip roughly and may possibly not give you good audio output, even though 2n3906 has been mentioned to work. There have been several versions of the Vox Tone Bender and the Vox Distortion Booster, all variants on the basic circuit. Additionally, a common complaint of Silicon Fuzz Face builders is the circuit is often susceptible to radio frequencies (RF). Every Ge/Si mix I tried sounded good. The early germanium versions sound like a freaked-out overdrive and evoke the classic tones of Hendrix when used with a Stratocaster. Schematics and Printed circuit board layouts for rare pedals like the Tycobrahe Octavia, Clyde McCoy wah … A bit of fiddling will get you anywhere from creamy smoothness to ear-splitting youch with … We can make a … Silicon fuzz is harsher with more gain. They can also "clean up" with the guitar's volume knob much better than silicon transistors. I didn’t go into any details about what transistors to use since this information is readily available just about anywhere else. They don't get totally clean by turning the guitar down like the NKTs but they do clean up quite a bit and are sensitive to your dynamics. Download Circuit Diagram. No tone knob, but I don't feel it's needed on a good Fuzz Face. It still responds nicely to playing dynamics and guitar volume control. The new Hendrix 70th Anniversary Fuzz Face is very nice and only $130. Schematics, wiring diagrams and detailed instructions for the best DIY Stompbox effects P rojects on the internet. My opinion: germanium only, unless you have the time, skill, and patience to play with all the values in the circuit to get the best sound from silicon transistors.) This follows the stock NPN silicon version with BC108 transistors. The classic 60's/70's soft distortion Fuzz Face pedals (the ones used by Jimi Hendrix) used germanium transistors, but all the parts mentioned …